Member-only story
Damocles’ Balloon
Day 1
There is a chair in my living room that I have to avoid for part of the day. The sun slices in and makes it unbearably bright. From across the room, the shadow can be seen to move. Well, if one looks long enough, that is. You can see it progress across the chair and exit, leaving it eventually a viable option again for repose. It takes a moment to realize this is the one visible effect of a spinning planet. There is no way to feel the motion, but if one is real still, and stares at a sunbeam long enough… you can see it move. Plato’s Cave’s Armchair.
I’ve had the cancer for a while, although we weren’t introduced until yesterday. My usually dark bladder was exposed to the urologist’s flashlight, and the waving, taunting tumor danced for us. NB: if you’re painting urinals red, don’t put off seeing the nice medical technicians and specialists. There are many harmless things that can produce that particular phenomenon, and a few that can be quite harmful. I appear to be the landlord for one of these latter things, until the nice doctor harvests that little fucker next week.
Then the fun starts.
Day 2
I should mark the date. 5 March 2019. Already I had to go back and confirm that it was Tuesday. Today’s Thursday. The title is Day 2 and I was already sure I had skipped a day. This won’t be a daily thing…